
Hoitotyön potilasohjausta harjoittelemassa

Potilaan kohtaaminen ja ohjaaminen ovat sairaanhoitajan työn ydinsisältöä. Ne ovat myös korostetun kielellisiä toimintoja, joiden harjoittelemista opiskelijat toivovat sitä hartaammin, mitä pidemmälle opiskelu etenee.

Järjestimme TAMKissa syksyllä 2024 Hoitotyön ohjaustilanteet suomeksi -opintojakson, jossa opiskelijat pääsivät harjoittelemaan keskeisiä ohjaustilanteita esimerkkitilanteiden kautta. Mukana kurssilla oli TOKASA-opiskelijoiden lisäksi Sairaanhoitajien laillistamiskoulutuksen opiskelijoita, joten samalla saatiin vaihtelua oman ryhmän kanssa toimimiseen. Kurssille osallistuneet TOKASA-opiskelijat ovat jo opintojensa loppusuoralla, joten tilanteet olivat hoitotyön näkökulmasta jo tuttuja, ja nyt päästiin keskittymään ohjaamiseen erityisesti kielen näkökulmasta. Ohjaustilanteita harjoitellaan TOKASAssa useilla opintojaksoilla niiden sisään suunnitelluissa suomen kielen integraatioissa, mutta nyt oli mahdollisuus päästä vielä kerran harjoittelemaan niitä konkreettisella tasolla ja ohjatusti. Työpajojen aiheiksi yhteistyössä hoitoalan opettajien kanssa valittiin potilaan haastattelu ennen leikkausta, potilaan ohjaus ennen leikkausta ja sen jälkeen, lääkehoito ja ABCDE-protokolla.

Kurssi jakautui näiden neljän teeman ympärille niin, että ensin pidettiin kahden tunnin mittainen sanastopaja, jonka jälkeen oli neljän tunnin mittainen toiminnallinen työpaja. Ensimmäisessä pajassa valmistauduttiin varsinaiseen työpajaan käymällä läpi ohjaustilanteisiin liittyvää sanastoa ja vuorovaikutustilanteita. Mitä asioita vuorovaikutuksessa tulee huomioida? Mikä on kielellisesti tärkeää? Millaisia asioita hoitajan tulee osata kertoa tilanteissa? Millaisia kysymyksiä potilaat voivat esittää? Esimerkkitilanteista oli olemassa suomen kielen opettajien tekemiä valmiita tehtäviä, haastattelurunkoja ja dialogeja, joita kuunneltiin ja analysoitiin johdatteluna teemaan. Toiminnallisessa työpajassa opiskelijat itse kehittivät potilaskohtaamistilanteita käytännön esimerkkien avulla. Mahdollisuuksien mukaan pajoissa oli paikalla S2-opettajan lisäksi hoitotyön opettaja, jolloin opiskelijat saivat tarvittaessa tarkistaa hoitoalaan liittyvät asiat häneltä.

Toiminnalliseen työpajaan hoitoalan opettaja laati muutamia tapausesimerkkejä, jotka jaettiin opiskelijoille. Tapausesimerkeistä kävi ilmi esimerkiksi potilaan ikä ja tausta, käytetty lääkitys, hoitoon hakeutumisen syy ja lähiomaisten tiedot. Esimerkkipotilaista annettu informaatio vaihteli työpajan teeman mukaan. Saatuaan oman esimerkkipotilaansa opiskelijat laativat pareittain dialogin, jossa potilas ja hoitaja keskustelevat potilaan tilanteesta. Dialogissa oli tärkeää käydä läpi kaikki tilanteessa olennaiset kysymykset ja huomioida kustakin potilaasta saatu taustatieto. Kun dialogi oli valmis, opiskelijat harjoittelivat dialogin esittämistä. Lopuksi opiskelijat vielä kuvasivat oman dialoginsa ja lähettivät siitä linkin ryhmän yhteisen oppimisalustan keskustelualueelle. Jokainen pari katsoi vähintään yhden toisen parin dialogin ja kommentoi sitä.

Opiskelijoilta tuli kurssin aikana positiivista palautetta uudenlaisesta opintojaksosta. Jo aiemmin on tullut toiveita suomen kielen harjoituksista, joissa toistuisivat mahdollisimman autenttiset potilastilanteet. Sanastopajoissa pyrittiinkin aina kuuntelemaan jokin dialogi teemaan sopivasta aiheista. Dialogeja on tuotettu TAMKissa sekä TOKASAssa että muissa sairaanhoitajien suomen kielen taidon kehittämiseen liittyvissä projekteissa. Kuuntelemisen lisäksi teemat kertautuivat monella eri tavalla: lukemalla, kirjoittamalla ja itse puhumalla. Toistensa dialogeihin tutustumalla opiskelijat pääsivät vielä laajentamaan aihetta eri potilaan näkökulmasta.

Opiskelijat kaikki olivat olleet jo useammalla harjoittelujaksolla, joten tilanteet olivat heille kokemuksellisesti tuttuja, mutta luokkahuone ja tutut kurssikaverit ja opettajat loivat suomen kielen harjoittelulle turvallisen ja rohkaisevan ympäristön. Vuorovaikutustilanteiden harjoittelemiselle varattiin myös reilusti aikaa. Opiskelijaryhmässä kaikki olivat tasavertaisessa oppijan asemassa, jolloin harjoittelu vertaistuen ja palautteen avulla tuntui mielekkäältä. Tarve tämäntyyppiselle opintojaksolle on huomattu työharjoitteluissa, joissa potilaan kohtaamistilanteet ovat keskeisessä roolissa. Puhetaitojen harjoittelua ei voi opetuksen arjessa olla liikaa, ja se tuo lisää varmuutta myös kielen käyttämiseen työharjoittelussa.

Kirjoittajat ovat TAMKin S2-lehtorit Ella Hakala ja Terhi Tapaninen

Language Focused on-campus training prepares students for working life 

An educational setting where language learning and professional skills development are integrated throughout higher education helps ensure that students are not only highly skilled but also have the functional language knowledge necessary to enter the workforce smoothly and integrate effectively into the workplace.  In the Finnish Healthcare setting, international/TOKASA students not only have to communicate with their clinical instructors, but they must interact and communicate with patients during their clinical practices as well. 

During these placements, Finnish language becomes the primary language of instruction. Although students understand theoretical concepts, learning practical clinical skills require effective communication in Finnish.  However, the pace of language learning is individualized and varies among students with listening, speaking, writing, and reading, developing at different rates for different learners.  

Language Focused On-Campus training  

Keeping these aspects in mind and students’ varied learning styles, Language Focused On-Campus training (LFCT) was conceptualized in Metropolia University of Applied Sciences in 2024 for students who had diverse levels of Finnish language. Both substance and language teachers created simulated healthcare environments including; in- and out-patient units, emergency units and specialized areas such as; Gastrointestinal, cardiothoracic, and surgical units. On-campus training required creativity from teachers, who played different professional roles (head nurse, doctor, patient etc.) during different simulations. Language and substance teachers worked closely to create various experiential learning scenarios, such as clinical environment escape rooms, creating an engaging and interactive learning environment for all students.  

Real healthcare settings were simulated together with the help of different third parties including patient organizations, public and private hospitals, and specialized clinics. Students practiced their clinical skills on ”volunteer patients” provided by the patient organizations. The students conducted basic health checkups and took non-invasive tests such as EKGs from the patients in Finnish, allowing them to also practice their language skills in a real-world setting. During “patient” visits, both the substance and Finnish language teachers were present and provided guidance to the students. Along with language, visits to the hospitals and clinics allowed the students to see Finnish work culture in action and gave the students a low-threshold introduction to the field-based clinical placement.  

During the on-campus training many students showed improvements in their language skills but also in their confidence to use Finnish in different patient-care situations. Students practiced giving and receiving reports in Finnish as well as consulting other healthcare professionals and communicating across an interdisciplinary team, ensuring safer continuity of care. After the training, some students reported that the training helped them use the language more fluently, with one student even advancing from A2 to B1 level. The training also improved the students’ clinical skills, increasing their confidence as future nurses. 

Challenges, improvements and the next steps for language-focused on-campus training 

Whilst overall the language-focused on-campus training received positive feedback, there were some challenges that arose. The training faced challenges especially in arranging activities, simulating different clinical scenarios and accommodating the varying Finnish language proficiency levels of students.  

Arranging and scheduling activities, most of which relied on third-party cooperations, such as opetuspotilaat (volunteer patients) and opintokäynnit (study visits) was challenging. Each of these external activities needed to be scheduled individually, and then pieced together to create a cohesive timetable that worked for all parties involved. Moving on, pre-scheduling coordination meetings with partners before the semester begins can help align availability and address constraints early.  

Simulating different clinical scenarios required additional effort from the teachers to ensure sufficient training scenarios for all. This required adjustments to the patient cases to make them more generalized and suitable for all. To address this difficulty, patient cases can be developed at varying levels of complexity, tailored to the students’ clinical experience. Beginner scenarios can focus on basic patient assessment and care, while advanced cases can involve complex decision-making and critical thinking. Additionally, collaboration among teachers from different specializations can help create simulations that include aspects of various clinical sites, providing a broader perspective while keeping cases relevant for all students. The varying levels of language amongst the students required teachers to plan individual goals for each student. This remains part of language learning but preparing for this is recommended.  

Overall, LFCT creates a new opportunity for students who are still learning the language to practice their clinical skills and improve their confidence of Finnish language use, preparing them for future clinical practices in the hospitals and health care centers. With LFCT, Metropolia ensures that their students are prepared for real-world situations and feel more ready to enter working life in Finland. 

As we continue with language-focused on-campus training, we would like to thank our collaborators who helped in our first ever TOKASA language focused on campus training module; NephroCare Dialysis centre, HUS Siltasairaala, Redcross Finland, Espoo Hospital, Aalto University Neuroimaging Department, Pihlajalinna Lääkärikeskus, students from Helsingin Suomalainen yhteiskoulu, retired language teachers and last but not the least our volunteers from Finnish patient organizations .   

This blog has been written by Linda Dinda & Sumera Sheikh, Lecturers of TOKASA program, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

The model of functionally bilingual higher education and key recommendations have been published

The goal of the functionally bilingual nursing education (TOKASA) project is to develop a permanent degree model where Finnish language studies are integrated into subject matter studies. There is no requirement for proficiency in the Finnish language at the application stage; the aim is for the student, upon graduation, to master both the profession and the Finnish language at the level required by the working life. Studies are conducted in both Finnish and English in close collaboration between nursing and Finnish as a Second Language (S2) teachers. One of the key tasks of the TOKASA project is the development and evaluation of the training model. The model of functionally bilingual higher education and key recommendations were published in September 2023. The development work of the model continues based on the experiences and research results obtained until the end of the project. The model is generic and it can be implemented fully or partially in any field of higher education.


The training model consists of seven key elements and related recommendations:


  1. Marketing and entrance exam
    It is recommended that:
  • Applicants who have successfully completed the written part of the entrance examination should be interviewed to assess their proficiency in the English language.
  • Nationally validated entrance exams, such as the international UAS exam, should be used for their reliability and cost-effectiveness.
  • Adequate time is allowed between the entrance examination and the start of the education to ensure that all students have time to manage visa processes and other entry-related arrangements.


  1. Language proficiency assessment and language paths
    It is recommended that:
  • The curriculum is structured to include a minimum of 20 ECTS credits Finnish/Swedish language studies
  • All elective courses included in the degree are Finnish/Swedish language studies
  • Intensive language studies are provided before the subject matter studies for those who start with the basics of Finnish/Swedish language


  1. Pedagogical solutions for subjective matter teaching
    It is recommended that:
  • Learner-activating and interactive methods are used in teaching in an authentic learning environment as much as possible
  • A variety of functional assessment methods are utilized
  • Tandem teaching, meaning joint learning with Finnish/Swedish-speaking groups is used


  1. The integration of Finnish or Swedish into subject matter studies
    It is recommended, that:
  • Language proficiency is taken into account in all subjective matter teaching to ensure the development of everyone’s language skills
  • Finnish/Swedish language is integrated into all studies, and its share increases as the studies progress
  • All studies are implemented in collaboration between the subject matter teacher and the Finnish/Swedish teacher


  1. Internship promoting professional competence
    It is recommended, that:
  • Discussion with the internship placement is arranged in advance, to ensure a shared understanding of the student and the internship in question
  • During the internship written assignments, especially those unrelated to language learning are avoided to prevent excessive student workload
  • Tandem training, where Finnish/Swedish-speaking and non Finnish/Swedish-speaking students practice simultaneously in the same internship is utilized
  • Support and training in language and cultural awareness for work communities is provided
  • Emphasis is put on to build long-term collaboration with specific internship placements


  1. Collaboration with the working life
    It is recommended, that:
  • A variety of readily available materials that support language and cultural awareness are introduced
  • The employer would acknowledge and consider the demanding nature of guiding a non-Finnish/Swedish speaking student in the role of an internship supervisor


  1. Guidance, integration and social support
    It is recommended, that:
  • There is collaboration with Finnish/Swedish language teacher in guiding the student
  • The higher education institution provides necessary support structures for students by systematically offering opportunities to interact with Finnish students, to use Finnish/Swedish language and to form social relationships. The activities should be part of the studies and take place as planned during the study day.


At the core of the model is the integration of the Finnish language into subjective matter studies, facilitated by collaboration among teachers and various pedagogical solutions. The model emphasizes functional pedagogy in both substance and language learning. Because teaching in two languages takes more time, it is particularly important to invest in the core content analysis of the subject matter and collaboration among teachers. The model also considers ongoing collaboration with the working life and support provided to workplaces for language- and culture-aware practices.


Hanna Repo Jamal, project manager, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

Sanna Laiho, project manager, Tampere University of Applied Sciences